Cartography Projects

by Paul Dziemiela

The Old Dzimiela Farm


Geography 377 Final Project
Northeastern Illinois University

Click on the map for a full size PDF.

Census-Taking in the Age of Nationalism


Geography 572 Final Project
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Click on the map for a full size PDF.


Results of the Census of December, 1919


MS Thesis Illustration
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Click on the map for a full size PDF.


Administrative Districts of Interwar Poland


Presentation Illustration
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Click on the map for a full size PDF.


Minority Language Education in interwar Poland Polesie Province, 1925-26


Geography 377 
Northeastern Illinois University

Click on the map for a full size JPG.


Brother, can you spare $4.99 for a cup of coffee?


Geography 391 
Northeastern Illinois University

Click on the map for a full size JPG.

Please note this is seriously out-of-date.